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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's Time to Believe Again

I'm feeling a nudge. Prompting me.  Even daring me.  Can you believe again?  Not just believe in general.  Believe again for the things that you were hoping for in the last season- you know, the ones that never came to pass- the ones you gave up on. 

For some reason, I am sensing it is important that we have specific faith.  What is in your heart that outlasted the trials and pressure from the last year or so?  That if you searched, really dared to look deep in your heart, what is still there?  You know, the thing you don't want to talk about.  To anyone out loud.  You don't want to be foolish, right?

You know that ember? There's barely a glow. Or maybe it just looks dead. Offer it up to God.  Ask Him.  Is this something You want for me?  If it is, blow upon it.  Breathe life into it.  Cause I don't have anything left.  If it is of you, God, give me a supernatural gift of hope.  And the ability to believe again. 

And then watch what happens......