A place to share, connect, and be encouraged!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Relationships Are Important

I got off the phone a little while ago with a friend- my cousin really, but my friend also.  It was so good to hear her voice, as it's been awhile since we talked.  We shared "life stories," and encouraged each other to keep pressing in, moving forward, promising to pray for each other.

After I got off the phone, I realized how refreshed I felt.  And I was grateful to know that I wasn't "in it alone" so to speak.  I was also struck by something:  God doesn't want us to "go it alone."  We were built for relationships.  We were meant to interact with each other, encourage each other, refresh each other.   But more than that, I sensed how important it is to be not only in covenant with God, but with each other.  It is important for our- not only survival - but our success in life. 

Covenant relationships give you the ability to be real in a secure environment.  It feeds our need for intimacy.  It offers an opportunity to exchange truth, in order to grow and be challenged; to become a better us.

It is important to choose wisely.  Do not develop an intimate relationship to a member of the opposite gender if you are married to someone else! Do not choose someone who does not know how to walk in love.  Do not choose someone who would not put you above themselves if needed. 

Give each other permission to speak openly, but respectfully.  Protect that relationship. Treat each other with honor.  And most importantly, always put God at the helm of your relationship. 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's A New Season

Can you feel it? The air feels different. The sun feels different already.  Our schedules are different.  What does it all mean?

It is a new time, a new season.  A season with a fresh start.  Let's face it.  The last season was difficult for many of us.  The squeeze was on.  We had to persevere....did you?  Do you feel like you barely made it?  I know I did.

I have a renewed determination to enter this season with fresh hope.  I am determined to draw closer to the Lord this season.  To abide there.  It's His presence that refreshes me.  It's His voice that leads me.  It's His power that keeps me.

I'm grateful for a new season.  I am shaking off the dust of the old season- may there be no remnant of the "old" on me as I enter this new season.  No disappointments will accompany me there.  No weariness is allowed to go with me.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See? I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up- do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland....to give drink to my people..."  Is 43:18-20

Let's drink and be refreshed!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sooooo......I've started a blog!

Yes, I've become a blogger, starting with this post right here :)   Why? Aren't there enough blogs out there?  I guess it boils down to this:  I love people.  I love being an encouragement to people.  I find such satisfaction in being someone who might just say (or write) something that could impact a life, or at least someone's day.   So let's take this blogging journey together..... and believe for great things!