A place to share, connect, and be encouraged!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's A New Season

Can you feel it? The air feels different. The sun feels different already.  Our schedules are different.  What does it all mean?

It is a new time, a new season.  A season with a fresh start.  Let's face it.  The last season was difficult for many of us.  The squeeze was on.  We had to persevere....did you?  Do you feel like you barely made it?  I know I did.

I have a renewed determination to enter this season with fresh hope.  I am determined to draw closer to the Lord this season.  To abide there.  It's His presence that refreshes me.  It's His voice that leads me.  It's His power that keeps me.

I'm grateful for a new season.  I am shaking off the dust of the old season- may there be no remnant of the "old" on me as I enter this new season.  No disappointments will accompany me there.  No weariness is allowed to go with me.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See? I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up- do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland....to give drink to my people..."  Is 43:18-20

Let's drink and be refreshed!


  1. Karen, I love how your writing compels me to journey with you into the new! The past season was almost so traumatizing that it was hard to see the goodness ahead. Your words are encouraging! Thank you! <3

  2. Thanks for saying so, Tish. It is time to press in, isn't it? There's no going back- we might as well go forward as you say, looking for His goodness! Blessing to you!
