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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Guard Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23 says, "guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life."  What does that mean?  Why is it important?

This is a pivotal time. Do you realize we are making choices right now that will determine our future? What are you agreeing with?  Have you cut those ties from the past- the trauma, the failures? Then the next step is this- what has God put in your heart for your future?  Yes, I know it seems impossible, and you can hardly speak of it out loud for fear that you will be ridiculed, because it is so opposite your present circumstances! Well, of course it is! It wouldn't be God if it wasn't nearly impossible! 

So, you have this vision.  This little flicker of a thought.  A secret interest.  The smallest of sparks.  What do you do with this? 

Begin to ask God to increase the vision.  Seek out scriptures to stand on.  Pray, pray, pray!

And back to the scripture about guarding your heart.  It is important not to share your vision with everyone.  Do not set yourself up to be discouraged.  Pick only those that walk by faith, and those who you can trust will not speak carelessly.   Make sure you make wise choices about what you listen to, what you read, and what you watch.   And most importantly, take care to feed yourself things that will feed your faith. 

Your vision and destiny depend on it.

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